Q :( Blog Guy tell me why I am getting this message when I try and create either a Hotmail or Live email account, see picture I enclosed? What do you recommend I do?
A ): I received about nine emails since last Friday asking me this type of question about MSN / Live email accounts. So I tried to create a live.com email account for myself and got the same message. I only have yahoo and gmail email.
The picture emailed to me below is typical of what you get.
The most likely causes for this rejection are:
1) The system is under cyber attack.
2) There is a problem with accepting your IP address and returning and acceptable email account confirmation, this is MSN/Hotmail/Live problem.
3) The servers are down for maintenance.
4) The email servers and system are having an interface malfunction.
5) Not likely, but possible your IP Server is sending the wrong information. This is unlikely because so many people have complained and I couldn't get a live.com email address to set-up either.
See the picture below for a typical response from Microsoft.
Note - don't bother clicking on 'contact support fro assistance' it's a waste of time.
My Recommendations:
1/ Use Gmail or Yahoo. I have never liked Hotmail; MSN; or Live email accounts.
2/ If you are bent on getting a Hotmail or Live email account and if you have Internet through a cable subscriber, you can try unplugging your modem and restarting your computer, this will reset the IP Address.
3/ Wait 72-hours and try again.
Note: Microsoft you could at least put a message up that you are having problems, try again later. When I tried to create an email account it accepted my email address and allowed me to go through all the steps before I got the rejection message. You are wasting peoples time.
I wonder what your advertisers would say about that?

I hope this information was valuable.
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